4 Seasons


Access all 2024 EXPRESS content, broken down by month. There are 10 months of content plus 1 mid-year review & 1 year-end review. If you're new to the program, start in Month 1 as the workouts get harder each month. See below for a complete outline of how the program works plus equipment recommendations!

Welcome to EXPRESS '24 featuring fast, fun & effective 20-minute full body workouts for busy parents & professionals!


- No matter when you join, we recommend starting with JANUARY content which is month 1 of this progressive 1 year training program. Each month gets harder & builds on the base of the previous month.

- For returning members, each new month of content will be featured in a slider at the top of the home page. Click on the slider to see the instructional & follow-along videos plus the supplemental training calendar and workout PDFs for that month's content. All 2024 EXPRESS is also available in the 2024 EXPRESS row if you scroll down a bit.

- You can ask questions or make your post workout reports in the comments of the corresponding workout video.


- 3 of the monthly workouts are always EQUIPMENT-FREE bodyweight routines. If you have no equipment, you can do these 3 bodyweight workouts weekly each month with a day of rest between sessions instead of cycling through all 6 routines bi-weekly. The other 3 workouts use a mix of minimal equipment home (and gym-friendly) training tools like bodyweight, bands, bells & med balls.

Listed below are the top 10 home & travel-friendly training tools so you can build-your-own minimalist gym today. But if your budget is tight, just start with bands, med balls, slant boards and/or dumbbells. Just focus on what you can do, not what you can’t.

1.) Resistance Bands

Get our resistance bands here:


Bands are arguably the most portable, versatile & convenient training tool outside of your bodyweight. They are also very joint-friendly and easy to recover from. I recommend a light, medium & heavy option for best results.

2.) Pushup & Dip/Row Bars (Parallel Bars & Parallettes)

Parallel bars are a staple in bodyweight training. Higher parallel bars are primarily used for dips & inverted rows where lower parallel bars (or parallettes) are ideal for pushup and handstand training. But these bars are also great for self-assisted lower body work and mobility drills too.

3.) Pullup Bar

A daily hang from a bar is probably the best way to start your physical longevity journey as it mobilize your shoulders, tractions your hips & decompresses your spine. It’s also the gateway to one of the best upper body exercises ever, the pullup. I have a pullup on my office door and every time I walk past it or see it I’m reminded to use it.

4.) Slant Boards (Squat Wedgiez)

Slant Boards allow for unique training angles to get the most of your bodyweight exercises & mobility work. They’re also great for rehabbing injured joints, working around current mobility restrictions & bulletproofing your body for future training. They can be used for your feet for squat, hip-thrust & lunge training and for your hands for pushup training based on the goal.

5.) Dynamax Med Balls

Get 10% off all dynamax medicine balls at with my coupon code:


Med Balls are ideal for power & rotational training but are also underestimated for mobility & breath work. I prefer dynamax balls because the bigger size allows for better gripping and holding positions. They are also padded, durable & aesthetically pleasing. I recommend a light, medium & heavy option for best results.

6.) Resistance Bands

Get our resistance bands here:


Bands are arguably the most portable, versatile & convenient training tool outside of your bodyweight. They are also very joint-friendly and easy to recover from. I recommend a light, medium & heavy option for best results.

7.) Box or Step

Adjustable Aerobics Step with Risers:

Adjustable Plyo Box:

The Stepup is an absolute staple in my lower body & conditioning work. A box or step also allows for hand and feet-elevated options for plank and pushup training. An adjustable aerobics step with risers is ideal for the widest variety of height option based on the move or goal. An adjustable plyo box with 3 height options is more specific to stepups and box jumps and sturdier for heavier or higher-impact drills.

8.) Fitness Sliders

SKLZ Sliders:

Sliding exercises are great for enhancing bodyweight exercises due to the friction the floor provides for drills like sliding leg curls, pushups or lunges. They work great on carpet or turf but rubber floor will provide too much friction for some moves.

9.) Dumbbells

Adjustable Dumbbells:

Rubber Hex Dumbbells:

I prefer dumbbells or kettlebells because they have a smaller learning curve and greater accessibility & versatility. Adjustable dumbbells are more expensive but ultimately more versatile and space efficient (though they can be a bit cumbersome at heavier weights). If you’re going the get multiple sets of bells, I prefer rubber hex bells as they are more floor-friendly and stable in plank/pushup positions. I recommend a light, medium & heavy option for best results based on your body size & strength level.

10.) Kettlebells

Kettlebell Kings:

For most people, the kettlebell requires too much skill to use safely without coaching. But it’s best for drills like swings and sumo deadlifts due to its unique shape and handle. A 12-24KG bell is a solid starting point. Lean on the lighter end of that range if you’re smaller or a beginner.

10.) Recovery Tools

Peanut Massage Ball:
Foam Roller:

The 2 best recovery tools to start are a half foam roller & peanut. But I’m also a big fan of the various high-end recovery tools from companies like HyperIce & TheraGun including precision massagers, compression devices & wearable vibrating heat pads.


- 3 full-body workouts/week
- 20 minutes each
- 52 weeks of the year

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